
seveth week of teaching practice

This was the last week of Second phase of teaching practice. In this week I have completed total of 30 lessons and participated in various programmes in school. In this week we have distributed sweets for the students and teachers was a nice experience and most memorable movements.

Innovative work


sixth week of teaching practice

The sixth week of teaching practice started from August 8th to 12 . There was 4 working days . In this week I completed 25 lesson plan based on the proper activities and lectures and participated so many activities such as flag preperation, meals distribution etc . This was a nice experience 

fifth week of teaching practice

This was the fifth week of our teaching practice. On these week we have only one day of working days and others are holiday. In the day l participated in the flag making for the independence day . It was an nice experience 

fourth week of teaching practice

This was 4th week of our reaching practice. This teaching practice was nice experience for us. So many experiences are have in everyday day and participated so many programs in the week such as assembly, Flag preperation, sports etc . This week was one of the important and memorable week for me

second Phase of teaching practice (weak3)

In the second week of teaching practice, totaly I completed 12 lesson plans. In these week we conucted a quiz competition in school based of moon day. It was a nice experience. So many students are participated and two of them are winned the programme. During the second week I have so many substitution classes and participated in various activities in school and one of the memorable experience was the exam duty. So it was nice experience .

second phase of teaching practice (2nd week)

On the second week I tooked total 4 lesson plans and I have 16 substitution classes in both UP and high school . Participated in various activities like meals distribution etc.