
Showing posts from July, 2022

second Phase of teaching practice (weak3)

In the second week of teaching practice, totaly I completed 12 lesson plans. In these week we conucted a quiz competition in school based of moon day. It was a nice experience. So many students are participated and two of them are winned the programme. During the second week I have so many substitution classes and participated in various activities in school and one of the memorable experience was the exam duty. So it was nice experience .

second phase of teaching practice (2nd week)

On the second week I tooked total 4 lesson plans and I have 16 substitution classes in both UP and high school . Participated in various activities like meals distribution etc.

digital textbook

Teaching Practice

SECOND PHASE OF TEACHING PRACTICE Our second phase of teaching practice started at 4/07/2021. Even though in the COVID pandemic situation it was a great opportunity for taking offline classes to the students. The very first day we reached the school by 9:15am. The school timing was 9:45 to 3:15pm. The school management daily allotted us substitution for the students. I have 4 period on the first day . I taught 2 lesson plan in the alloted class (8 F) and I have two substitutions.  On second day 3 classes and completed one lesson plan. I have substitution class for class 5B, 8 I . We are participated in meals distribution also.  On 6/07/2022, I have 4 classes and completed one lesson plan and participated in meals distribution and evening school discipline programe  On day 4 , I have total 5 period , 2 period for my own allotted class and others are substitution.  On day five I have also 5 period and they are substitution classes In the first week I comple...

First phase of teaching practice

FIRST PHASE OF TEACHING PRACTICE  I have come across the main part of B ED curriculum teaching practice. Due to our pandemic situation our teaching practice was partly offline and online. We did online, offline and peer teaching modes. My offline teaching practice started on January 10th 2022. From 24th January to February 5th 2022, the teaching practice was in offline mode. From 7th to 11 Feb , the class was take as peer teaching since school closed due to pandemic.  I was allotted to BH school mavelikara. Teacher on charge of social science Mrs vincy, assigned me to take there units of class 8th and 9nth English medium. For class 8th, Towards the gangetic plain and From Magadha to Taneswar and Economic growth and Economic development of class 9 are the lessons given to me . I hope I am complete my teaching practice successfully and and it was nice experience for me The offline teaching practice is an good experience for me . It was a pleasant feeling ...